Rhino Engines
Will not give us our refund!

Cars & Transport

On Sept. 16 I wire transferred money from our checking account into the account of Rhino Engines and Transmissions for abour $3,500.

I gave it about a week to recieve my engine, due to the website stating that it takes 3-5 business days for the engine to ship. After a week I called and spoke with Cindy whom is a CSR there she told me that they had no news on my order. So I gave it another couple of days and called back to speak with the same person only to hear the same thing again. I then called back on Spet. 29 to check the status of my order only to hear once again that they have no news on my order. I then had my boyfriend call to see if he could maybe they would tell him something. The only thing they told him was that "this engine is so rare that we are not even sure if we can build this."

I then called back and cancelled the order. When I called to cancel they told me that they had to transfer me to the customer service mgr Tim, when I nicely told him that I wanted to cancel my order he got very snippy with me about wanting to cancel it, when I told him the reason why I wanted to cancel that they could not provide the product in the time alloted he had nothing to say except for I have to pay a 5% cancellation fee. I had ask him why I had to pay this and he stated because it cost us money to run your card. I told him to provide my card info to me and of course he couldn't due to the fact that they didn't have my card info, I transferred the money.

After several days of not recieving my refund I called him back again to check the status of my refund only to hear " it is being processed"

I then called the Attorney General's office. This Tim guy is now feeding him the same line that he has been feeding me for over a month.

Come to find out today, after I called the FairPort Police on them, that the address listed on the website and the invoice that I have recieved is just a post office box, as that was explained to me by a member of FairPort Police Dept.

So DO NOT buy anything from this company as they will take your money and not give it back

Company: Rhino Engines
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Fairport
Address: 144 Village Landing
Phone: 8004548130
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Rhino Engines And Transmissions
Want refund my money back to me

Rhino Engines And Transmissions
They will not refund money

Rhino Engines
They took my money, never would send me my engine, now they will not give me my money back. New York Internet

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Rhino Engines And Transmissions
Won't refund my purchase amount after rhino canceled my orde

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Rhino Engines And Transmissions
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Rhino Engines
Run for your lives!