Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc
Debit card withdrawal

Cars & Transport

Organization wouldn't remove bank card cost simply because they stated that I had been to overdue to deliver the purchase back. My thirty days was up since it got them to lengthy to deliver me the merchandise.

Company: Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc
Country: USA
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Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc
Charge I did NOT authorize to my credit card

Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc
Unauthorized charge to my AmExp

Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc
Billed for something I did not order was suspose to pay only s/h of 4.95

Central Coast Nutraceuticals, inc

Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc
I ordered Green Tea Extreme 30-day Trial Offer @ $1.00 $4.95 Shipping & Handling for a Total of $5.95 that I authorized Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc. To charge to my Credit Card

Central Coast Nutraceuticals
I have cancelled 3 times and they keep billing my credit card New York

Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc. AcaiPure, colotox
I have two charges on my credit card

Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc
Charged me for products I did not order

Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc

Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc./Gree Tea Extreme $1.00 Trial Offer
Order no: 127258