VW - Routon Boom
Insensitive Commercial

Cars & Transport

I'm totally appaled from the 'Routon Growth' advertisements. These commercials are pasted all around the tv systems and be seemingly performed significantly more than the political advertisements. Their insufficient awareness towards the people who can't have kids is unexcusable. The discomfort related to not having the ability to possess a normal child is undescribable. They perform these silly advertisements that depict that individuals are experiencing kids simply to obtain a minivan. This industrial must be drawn off the atmosphere!!!

Company: VW - Routon Boom
Country: USA
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Hardees Commercials
Bad service

Fox and Friends

Inappropriate commercials

Lame commercial

Kraft Foods
Offensive Jello Temptation commercials

Kraft Foods
Temptation commercials scaring kids

Direct TV
Exsessive commercials

Kraft Foods
I will no longer purchase ANY products your company makes

Google Ad Words
Quality of Clicks

The advertisements are not therefore infrequent the experience is destroyed