Nicole Cipro
Scam! Nicole cipro & martin lawson ebay motorcycle fraud!

Cars & Transport

My husband recently returned back to the states from his second deployment, all he wanted to buy himself was a motorcycle. He shopped around for a few months to make sure he was getting what he wanted. He has not been on a bike before so he wanted something used. He came across an add on Craigs List for a 2006 Suzuki GSXR for $3200.00. The price was about the same as some others he had come across but was still a little cheap.

So he sent the seller Nicole Cipro an email asking why the price was so low, she replied back that she was getting a divorce and needed the money not the bike. She said that the deal had to be closed thru Ebay's buyer protection program so that both party's were protected. The way it was said to work was we send a money gram to the Ebay financing agent Martin Lawson for $3200.00 he would hold it and the bike would be sent to us.

We had 5 days to get it checked out and decide if we wanted to keep it. If we did he would send the money to her and we just keep the bike. My husband sent the money and faxed off the paper work like we were told to and never heard from anyone. So we called to see if the money gram had been picked up. It had been, in Houston, TX not Inglewood, NJ where we were told the agent was. That's when it hit us that it was a SCAM!

I just don't understand why people feel it's okay to take from others, not even knowing them or their situation. One of our many troops out protecting this Country can't even be protected when he gets home. I hope these people are caught and get what they deserve.

Company: Nicole Cipro
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Worcester
Address: 353 June St
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