San Tan Ford
Ripps Off My 66 Year Old Mom By Selling Her A Truck Over 25k Over Kelly Blue Price leid took extreamly advatage of a elderly person and have terrible customer service

Cars & Transport

Here is a sad story of how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. We really need your help. I am 66 years old women and the mother of two also raising my 3 adopted grandchildren ages 12,14, 16. As you can imagine things are pretty tight and life is very difficult. Not to long ago we decided to purchase a truck from San tan ford so that we would have something to pull a horse trailer with for my son and my grandsons. We have found that through riding horse and having the responsibility of taking care of them has been very good and therapeutic for children. Just as we had made the decision to start looking for a truck my husband had a sever heart attack witch resulted in large blood clot's in his lungs. I had never purchased a vehicle by my self so my son and I decided he would go look for a truck and find one that would fit our needs. He was told that we needed a Diesel truck to pull our horse trailer (un - true). It is a 3 horse bumper pull trailer that could have been towed by a 1/2 ton pick up. We also told him that we could afford payments of $600- $700 (our payment booklet we received almost two months later shows payments owed of $1202.00 per month) I am amazed that a licensed dealership is able to pull off such a scandal as to have done all of this without me The purchaser never once stepping foot into the dealership, never once even speaking to any representative of this company. All of the sudden do to my perfect credit I was approved. And then with no explanation what so ever of the contracts or the paper work I was supposed to sign they were handed to my son in a envelope and he was told to run them to me and have me sign where the highlighted marks were and it was a done deal. Please note after a conversation with 5th 3rd Bank they have advised me that one of the Financial directors from San Tan Ford had signed many of the documents stating that he was a witness to my signature that is a lie!!! Again I have NEVER BEEN TO SAN TAN FORD IN MY LIFE. I am sorry that a 66 year old women who has never financed a vehicle in her life was naive to have signed all off this with out apparently needing a attorney present, but I made a huge mistake trusting San tan Ford. To top it off when My son first gave them my credit application I had a credit score of over 825 points I have spent a life time to achieve that great credit since my experience with San tan ford my score has dropped to a 580 also please note that these may not be exact figures because I have never received copies of my contract or any of the paper work I signed like I was promised would come in the mail with in 2-3 days but I know my truck pay off is over $77,000.00 at this point Kelly Blue says this is the current pricing on new truck Identical to mine MSRP*Definitions $56,610.00 Invoice*$51,543.00 New Car Blue
Book Value* What consumers are really paying for this vehicle $54,912.00 (Please note I did not make this up this is straight from the Kelly Blue book Website.) Meaning that San Tan ford some how managed to pull the wool over a old grandma's eye's to over $20,000.00, more then I could have purchased this vehicle some where else. At this current time my husband of almost 50 years has been placed in hospice and has only days to live while I am stuck struggling to make these huge payments and have collectors calling me non stop I have tried to contact the dealer ship first My son spoke to a Chris Garraro who is the GM he promised to look into the file and call him back by first thing in the morning and I quote "no later the 10:30 am". Of course no phone call then my son got a call from a Ron Milburne who says he is the financial director this Gentleman was very rude. My son asked him a few questions and he got very defensive, and told he could not talk my son on this file. Even though when it was time to rip us off and sell us a truck (way over priced) everyone at San tan ford was more then willing to talk to him and never even spoke to me at all. Finally today for the first time I actually get a call from Ron he was very rude to me as if I had done something wrong I explained to him that I was sitting next to my dying husband bed and would really rather he spoke to my son about this matter and he got even ruder with me. Not a care in the world about my current situation I was in tears when I got of the phone with Ron. They all feel like if they talk to me they can take advantage of me just like they did last time by having me sign papers with out anyone there to explain them to me. I have spoken to many other dealers and they all say that they will send a financial Representative to your house to sit down with you and explain to you what the contracts mean and if you would like to purchase additional items like, insurances and warranties. (That is a standard procedure at reputable company) Since then My son was able to talk to the title lady who titled the vehicle. Who swears she would have never done that with out me present (Jalila Jones) Finally after three calls my son was able to get a hold of one of the owner Dennis Syder who owns Rich ford In Albuquerque New Mexico he explained we was in a meeting and would call him right back as of Right now that was over 5 hours ago and several more attempts have been made to reach him all times he has been to busy or in a meeting. It is quite apparent that San tan ford Does not care who they rip off or anything about there customers I have called over 5 different dealerships looking to trade this truck in and they have all said we are upside down by over 25,000.00 in regards to this matter I have my son trying to help me because of my current situation I feel like I am going to have a nervous break down from all the calls I am getting from collection and RUDE people at San Tan ford. This is a perfect example of a dealership ripping of the elderly because we happen to be naive and unsuspecting. Well I put my trust In San Tan Tan ford and They Have ruined 48 Years of my life having perfect credit. My son has tried and tried to speak with owners, General managers, Financial directors, and the title department and of course now the deal has done and they have all made this huge commission and ruined this grandma's life not one of them has shown a ounce of care. I will be sending this email out to every news station and rip off website we can Find I hope no one ever has to have 48 years of there life ruined like I have because I made the mistake of trusting the people at San Tan Ford Thanks for your help if you Karen Crandell Please reach My son in regards to this matter as I am done being stressed out and lied to. He Can be reached at Jeff 480-389-9526

Mesa, Arizona

Company: San Tan Ford
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Gilbert
Address: 1129 East Motor Plex Loop
Phone: 4808213200
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