Dogg Digital Audio
Con Artists Fraudulent Car Audio Subwoofers Ripped me off $290 for the worst sounding peices of crap ever! Countryside Potomac Falls Regal Plaza

Cars & Transport

I am at a stop sign and A white male in a white work-use van calls me from an opposite stop sign and asked if I wanted speakers which I assumed, for free. We meet in a closeby parking lot and he tells me about how his delivery guys messed up and that I looked like a kid with alot of money and wanted to get rid of them and make a little money otherwise his boss gets the overestock and can sell them for the "full price" of 1,500$ as he showed me in his [fake] Audio Catalog. He wanted 800$ and I eventually brought him down alot to 290$. His partner was of hispanic origin possibly of mixed blood.

Sterling, Virginia

Company: Dogg Digital Audio
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Sterling
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Dogg Digital, Dogg Digital Audio 2002 Professional, Digital Audio
Speaker scam don't fall for it! Dogg Digital, Dogg Digital Audio 2002 Professional, Dogg Digital Audio Rip off!

Dogg Digital Audio
Rip-off "I went home to try the speakers but got nothing!" Titusville florida

Digital Audio DOGG speakers
Digital Audio DOGG ripoff speakers, guys move in trucks and sell making stupid excuses

Dogg Digital Audio
Dogg Digital Speakers, Digital Audio sold from a car or van

Digital Audio
Dogg Digital Audio victimized many consumers

Digital Audio 2000, Dogg Digital Audio
Digital Audio 2000 street scam in, La from 3 guys in a white van

Dogg, Paradyme Digital Speakers, Audio Phile Speakers
Dogg Digital Speakers Rip-off Parad-y-m-e! Audio Phile Speakers ripoff deceptive company Internet

Dogg Digital Audio
Rip-off I paid him & later found that the speakers sound like junk and not worth what they said, ripoff deception, they don't even work!

Dogg Digital Audio
Out of green van fake speakers

Dogg Digital Audio
Ripoff scam in McDonald's parking lot