Brake Masters
I asked them to inspect a/c only and they broke two things

Cars & Transport

Steer clear of the Brake Masters on 91st and Peoria near the 101.

I took my car there to simply have them inspect the A/C. I knew there was something wrong with it but I wanted a professional (HA!) opinion. I left it there because the guy said it would be about 1 hour and they would call me when it was done. 3 Hours later close to their closing time they call like this "Hello? DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME WE CLOSE SIR?". I said "Yes, but I was waiting for someone to call me." I wasn't very far from the area so I was there within 10 minutes of getting the phone call.

When I got there they had done a "full A/C recharge" on my car. And he told me the total would be $150.00!!! I told him that I only asked for an inspection, which was $20. So he said in order for him to charge me $20 he would have to drain the system charge, I said fine. After they drained it they pulled my car up and I got in and started it, the check engine light was on. It was not on when I brought the car in, so I went back inside. I told the manager in charge, and he began to argue with me!"Well it's because when we tested it and then drained it, the sensor must have picked up something" so I say "Well listen, do you think its possible that they drained more out than when I came in?" and he replies "No, of course not! Do you think we could get away with that? When this stuff has to be measured and accounted for by the government? Etc etc" so I say "Don't you think thats a little odd though, that the light would come on after you guys drain it, and it's never been on before?" Anyway, after about 10 minutes of arguing with me, he finally says he'll charge up the system again for me for free. I say that would be great.

So they charged it up and everything seemed to be working exactly the same as before until today. I turned my car on to a sudden loud hissing noise and no A/C now. I'm going to warn everyone I can to stay the hell away from this brake masters.

Company: Brake Masters
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Peoria
Address: 9240 W Peoria Ave
Phone: 6234129100
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