Wicked Campervans
Wicked Campervans

Cars & Transport

I'm writing to protest about Evil Campervans whom for me have to be held responsible for the horrible suggest that they hire their automobiles in, not returning my relationship cash and also the complete insufficient resoloution of my criticism despite complaing almost 2 weeks ago for them.

Firstly I'd prefer to request any info you can provide me regarding who to protest to beyond evil campervans? I've required the title of the company to whom they are accountable to and who adjusts them-but they've to date didn't offer these details.

The automobile was hired to us in a dirty condition, my siblings bright dress was really stained from resting about the front-passenger chair, the roof and windows had mold developing in it as well as their were two large breaks within the screen display which-when the lighting captured it correct blinded the driver (me).

We delivered the automobile in the identical situation we hired it in mere somewhat solution plus they held the relationship cash to displace the broken widowscreen! I should strain that people triggered no harm to the automobile whatsoever! We've pictures of the dust and broken windshield which are dated as proof.

All I'd like may be the money-back they owe me, its that easy however they dont be seemingly ready to actually examine the criticism providing excusess such as the administration has gone out of the nation and they may react afterwards within the evening - no body actually does.

The organization is totally incompetant from begin to end, the client support is terrible, the vehicles are attrocious and grievances get uncertain. Exactly why is it that the business that works in this manner may proceed to occur?

Best Wishes


Company: Wicked Campervans
Country: USA
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