Pep Boys
Lady with nothing to do but wait

Cars & Transport

While I am new to Charlotte, I am not new to Pep Boys auto repair. I called them to see if I bought my car in for a starter replacement woluld I be able to get it back today. I was told told yes and that I could wait for it. Chris was very professional on the phone but that was short lived as soon as I had my car and myself towed there by AAA.

Appr. 5 people were there when I arrived And when I tried to give Chris my info (this is at 3pm) he stated that he would take it afer th towman dropped the car, in which he did immediately. I was constantly ignored as if I was not there. He continued to check new customers in and tell them tat it may be a one & a half wait. Within 20 minutes I knew I was in trouble because people started to complain to him on how long they had waited. Fourty five minute waits had been an hour and a half.

The first cust. That was checking out was asked to go on line and take a survey. None of the next four were asked for they all complainedabout the mis quote of time to complete their work. Iapproached the counter at 4:15 and asked when my car was going to be looked at and they realized it had never been written up. I am not an idiot, and if my car would have started I would have left long before now. I continued to wait as all customers complained and left and what I observed was absolutly frightning, Along with the complaints were people returning with complaints.

A man bought his car back about 730 and they had put the wrong tires on it. Lease exspensive ones at that!!! He was the second one complaining of the wrong tires. Another came in to complain of his car coming in on last Wed and it was now Tues. And it was still not done. Almost a week. He had called every day and was told they were working on it but today the guy tyat was doing the job was off.

My car was pulled in at 630 after I asked when they wer going to look at it and I had been the only one there for the last hour. AAfter being pulled in I had to again ask when they were going to look at it because the mechanic was under the hood of another car with another mechanic, My car was pulled out at 830 pm. That is right five and a half hours to install a starter. It did not take that long for me to deliver my two children combined. I am letting everyone I talk to know of my nighrmare at this pep boys repair.

Company: Pep Boys
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Charlotte
Address: 4837 N. Tryon St
Phone: 7045978181
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