United Auto Insurance Of Florida
Does Not Want To Answer Lawsuits Againts Them. UAIG does not answer calls from lawyers, does not accept lawsuit papers or complaints againts them

Cars & Transport

09/16 My partner and I (6 months pregnant) were in a car accident. We were parked behind a SUV waiting for the red light to change when a drunk driver slammed into us from behind pushing us into the SUV. We were hurt and sent to the hospital where i was treated for possible pre-mature labor. Our car was totalled and my partner was left with a hurt wrist which he went to therapy for. We filed a lawsuit with our lawyer and were payed off for our car. But in response to the medical bills and personal damage had no response from United.

Our lawyers tried to reach them via mail, phone and email and the company did not respond. 3 years later after several tries my lawyer states that they cannot continue on the case due to no response from United. I called another lawyer and they said that United had several of the same situations and do not respond to any lawsuits. Is this right? How can an insurance company just not respond to legal papers? Now 5 1/2 years later my partner gets a summons form UNITED Auto about an accident that happend at his job. So when its in their interest they can file lawsuit but dont need to respond to any?

Company: United Auto Insurance Of Florida
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Phone: 8005512110
Site: fl.uaig.net
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