JD Byrider/CNAC
JD/CNAC RipOff Artists

Cars & Transport

Reading through all of these complaints, it is sad to say I am not at all surprised. All though our experience with both JD Byrider and CNAC weren't 100% bad, it doesn't surprise me at some of the tatics they have used on others here.

In 2003 when my husband and I decided we needed/wanted a newer car we went to our local JD Byrider, after all the hype we had seen on their commercials it had to be a good place right? Well the first thing we did was fill out the credit application to find out how much car we could get financed for, now mind you we both had two repos on our credit at this point. Surprisingly they gave us a pick of about 6 cars.

We choose to go with a 2000 Ford Focus, after all we had rented one for our vacation earlier that year and drove it to Florida and we loved it, it was big enough for our family of 4 and had plenty of room for us. Now after test driving we too noticed a few things wrong, the air bag light was one, and one of the back doors wouldn't lock using the automatic locking system and had to be locked manually. We were told we could bring it back in the following week for service.

So here we are about ready to drive away in our new car, and we are told we have to sit down and watch a video! I thought, what a video? For What? Well it is their introduction video into how their company and finacing work? Ok I had never had to go through that before when buying a car, lol Anyways then we are sent to financing, and there we meet who we like to refer to as the "BALL BUSTER" can't remember his name now, but anyways he basically sat us down and said if you don't make your payments on time you will hear from me and you don't want to hear from me, I kid you not those were his exact words!!!

The following week we brought our car back in for the service, and yes we had to pay our own rental cost and I think that is wrong when it wasn't our fault the car needed servicing or even wear and tear we had done to the car, after all we had just gotten it! Anyways we get it back a day or two later and we decided on the way home to go get some dinner, driving home it started to get dark so on the head lights came, only to realize we didn't have any low beam lights! We had them when we took the car in, and now we only have high beam which by the way other drivers on the road that night weren't too pleased with us!!! Also the back door never did lock properly either.

We were late with one of our bi-weekly payments only once in the very beginning, and I must say they didn't really call and harrase us at all, we had called them and told them of the problem and told them when we would be in and that was that. Now the interest rate we pay by going to one of these places is outragouse, however if we didn't need to go to places like these then they wouldn't get away with charging those prices and would go out of business, however that will never happen. I agree just because you have some brusies on your credit shouldn't mean you are a horrible person or deserve to be taken advantage of, but I also have to say as a consumer we have to be willing to say no when we don't think we are getting the best deal we can.

If we weren't so quick to jump into that new car, and took the time to look around or even walk away when we are told the deal and we don't like it, we may get better deals. I admitt I too am one who can't seem to wait for that better interest rate or the better car. Our Payments were something we could afford otherwise we wouldn't have taken the car, we had done that twice before in our marriage and both times ended up with repos and we just weren't going to do that again.

I will say however that over the years of buying the car we had to put in a new engine, and towards the end it seemed like everyday something new broke, so finally when we were about two months from paying it off, we traded it in. We actually were able to go to a REAL dealership, however I must say I was more upset when leaving that REAL dealership then I ever was walking off of a JD Byrider lot. We were given many different cars to test drive and both my husband and I feel in love with one car, and now remember we had told the sales guy what we could afford to put down along with our trade, as we knew our trade with almost 200,000 miles wasn't going to be worth much, so in my opinion he shouldn't have had us test driving cars we couldn't afford to get into without coming up with more cash down which is just what he did!!!

I fell in love with a 2004 Hyaundi Sonata, that car drove like it was on air, everything about that car I fell in love with. We told him we wanted that car. This was a Saturday, they weren't open on Sunday so Monday comes around and we get the call that we can't have that car unless we come up with 2,000 more dollars!!! I was heartbroken to say the least!!! I actually cried over not being able to get this car. My husband is a hard working man and he is a good man so why couldn't we have this? Anyways to make a long story short, we ended up with an OK car, but not the car of our dreams. Now this would have been a different story had the salesman not played with us by having us test drive something he knew fair well we wouldn't be able to get into without more cash down, now I know most people say we can only afford this but when pushed come up with the other money needed, however we walked onto that lot and said straight up, we aren't playing any games here, this is what we have and all we have. So I guess I felt as if he should have only showed us what we could afford with what we told him we had, I know he was only doing his job trying to get that higher end car sold but in that process I was let down!!!

So in short, Yes Jd Byrider does charge over the top prices on their cars and the interest rate alone tends to be more then what the actual principle on the car is, but as they say, we show people how to treat us, you may say to yourself, I didn't tell them to call and call and call when I was 3 hours late with a payment, NO you may not have told them that, however just the fact that you had to resort to puchasing your car from them tells them that they can treat you like crap, otherwise you wouldn't have brought from them.

I don't mean to sound as if I am on their side because believe me I am not, I too know we got screwed by their high interest rates and over the top prices they ask, however I would never start paperwork on a car without first knowing what the asking price was, I have heard that so many times here and I all I can think is why didn't you ask how much the car cost? You can't blame the salesmen for being sneaky when you admit you didn't even ask what the price was? Come on people take some responsibility for your own actions here too. We are not all victims of theirs, some of us by just being down right stupid in the moment asked to be taken. You may say to yourself I never asked to be screwed but didn't you really when you walked into a dealership, and i mean any dealership without knowing what you could afford to spend before you stepped onto the lot, we have to do our own homework and know the bottom line before we even step foot on the lot, otherwise they can make everything sound so good and show you numbers that look like you can afford and it isn't until after you have signed that paperwork and the payment comes due that you realize wait amintue I can't afford this, but by then it is too late, they have you!

So the next time you go for that new/used car please take the time to figure out before hand what you can afford, don't let them tell you well if you only had 500.00 more dollars cash we could get you in this car, if you had that 500.00 more you would have said so already. Just please be your own critic and make sure you only get ripped off for the amount you can afford to be ripped off for, after all these people are in business to make money, not get told sob stories.

Swanton, Ohio

Company: JD Byrider/CNAC
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Toledo
Address: Central Avenue
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