VIP Auto Parts
Check was refused!

Cars & Transport

I made an appointment to purchase four studded winter tires and to have them studded, mounted and balanced. The work was performed on December 9. When the work was finished the paperwork was completed and I wrote a check from an Equity Line of Credit.
This Equity Line is hardly used and has a minimum balance on it and we do not write checks against this line of credit very often. The check was "called in" to a company called CERTEGY. Certegy refused the check because the check met one of their "risk models". I explained that I own my home outright and that I had an ample balance on my equity credit line! I was forced to use a credit card at the time of sale, thus paying interest (equity interest is a deduction with zero percent interest).
I will admit that I became extremely angry at the situation BUT will never step foot in VIP again. I called CERTEGY when I came home and they stood by their decision.

Company: VIP Auto Parts
Country: USA
State: New Hampshire
City: Gorham
Address: 418 Main St
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VIP Auto Parts
Terrible experience

Check denial

Certegy Payment Recovery Services Inc
Won't leave us alone

Lowes home improvment
Bad check company certegy sent our check to certery now no one will take our checks had plenty of money in our account now we can, t cash our checks

Pnc Bank
Pnc bank closes a home equity line of credit, despite documents that prove otherwise, that the account was to remain open

Declined Check

Certegy Check Services, Inc
Incorrect check stoppages

First Equity Card
Raised my limit, then did not honor check, lowered my limit without notice

Check denied

WaMu - Washington Mutual
WaMu changes agreements without warning