Ford Motor Corporation
Ford Focus brakes, wiper motor, lemon, Dearborn, Michigan brakes, wiper motor, lemon, Ford Focus ripoff evil dirt bags rip off scam con artists evil dirt bags dishonest ripoffs dirty SOB's dirty ripoff liars dirty ripoff dogs deceptive company

Cars & Transport

Ford Focus need I say more?

I drive a 2001 Ford Focus SE wagon and it only has 12,500 miles on it.

I live in Maryland so the lemon law is a joke here. Anyone familiar with it knows it is only 15 months or 15,000 miles.

I have owned my Focus for 17 months so there goes that reassurance.

Moving along, it has come to my attention that Ford Focuses have poor quality, if not faulty brakes. I have myself been into the repair shop on five occasions for the brakes.

I am very logical and not entirely stupid so I know this is NOT right.

Ford replaced, yes replaced my pads at 9,500 miles with not so much as a blink. There was heavy squeaking and a grinding noise coming from my rear axle and brakes.

Turns out there was a recall on the rear bearings but there are on-going service reports regarding the brakes.

So far I have no luck or sympathy from the Ford service folks or the two dealerships I have visited for "service".

I was told so many non-truths, e.G. "as your car sits while you are say getting your groceries, a film develops over the pads and this causes the squeaking", "moisture and humidity cause the squeaking" (we were/are in a drought when this was said - no dew, no humidity of consiquensce, certainly no rain), and so many more but my personal favorite "it's normal"!

Currently, there is a class action law suit regarding this under way and I encourage every Focus owner reading this to add your name. Simply go to


And you will find a link with complete details.

As for the wiper motor, like I said above we have been in a serious drought as much of our nation has and I have used my wippers quite infrequently. My motor died for no explained reason - none. This was another problem I found other Focus owners we having.

Please be wary of this vehicle. I do not intend to nickle and dime every issue I have had for they are vast, but please be wary!

Silver Spring, Maryland

Company: Ford Motor Corporation
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Dearborn
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