Aamco Transmissions
Ripoff-Deceptive sales talk They now want $493 for me to get my car back. Not repaired anything. Ripoff deception

Cars & Transport

I called Aamco to tow my car as the transmission was not working.

They said there was no charge for this to get it to their shop.

Afterwards they said there would be a $49 charge if I did not let tmem rebuild it.

They did say that it was $39 to inspect the transmission. I was told it would cost $924 to rebuild and additional $297 for other parts. This is $1221.

I was told that they would have to check the "hard" parts if more work was needed. They came up with $562 more. Its now $1783.
I told Aamco I could not afford this and I want the car back.

I was expecting to pay the $49 plus $39 for a total of $88.
I was told they want $493 for looking into the transmission.
I cannot believe this. They have not repaired anything!
I have been had!

They told me it takes 10 hours for what they did. That is not true. From one afternoon until the next morning they did not have anything near 10 hours of time to work on the car. They say whatever they want.

I would like my car back. I'm willing to pay $88.
Can you help?

Coppell, Texas

Company: Aamco Transmissions
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Addison
Address: 15200 Marsh lane
Phone: 972241883
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