Spokane Abusive Customer service ripoff

Cars & Transport

There have been times in my life where putting food on the table takes precedence over my auto payment. But fair warning; if your life goes down this track, WFS is NOT tolerant and their customer service reps. Are rude, nonnegotiable, curt, and overall, made me feel like having my van repossessed would be better then dealing with the ABUSIVE reps. Of WFS.

In addition to this, I have not even once had two reps. Tell me the same information about my account, and as a result I have had to pay late fees, additional fines and so on. Even when I tell the rep on the phone I was told something different and I dont think I should have to pay late fees since I was doing what I was told, they did not waiver, I had to pay the late fees.

Below are two letters I have written to WFS management and have yet to receive any sort of letter of apology.

September 16

Division Headquarters
Division Manager
375 Corporate Dr., Suite 202
Seattle, WA 98188

Dear XX

I am writing you regarding representatives of your company in the Spokane branch as well as your Division Headquarters. This letter is actually two pronged. First I would like to recognize two representatives of your agency that have been most helpful. Secondly, I would like to bring to your attention a representative of your agency that is very abusive

Recently I have been dealing with a very inappropriate representative by the name of XX in the Spokane collections branch. I phoned your office on Friday September 16th to speak with you to resolve the matter of the way I was being treated. The first person I encountered through your office was a receptionist named XX XX was extremely helpful to me. She normalized my frustrations and did a wonderful job of following up with me to ensure that my satisfaction was a priority. Please thank her for me.

The next representative I was referred to broach the subject of my poor treatment was the Collections Manager XX out of Spokane. She is in fact the supervisor to XX Ms. XX was very kind to me. She too, like XX, listened to my concerns, helped problem solve, and together we reached an agreeable solution that worked quite well for both myself and your company.

Finally, to address the employee who was so abusive. I have brought to XX attention the way her employee treated me. I am a social worker Mr. XX, and as such it is my job to advocate for vulnerable persons and to seek justice for them. I apply this to my personal life as well. I was treated very poorly by your company representative, belittled, degraded and over all shamed for being delinquent on my auto payment. I am not sure that it even occurred to XX that I could possibly be going through some personal things and am trying the best I can. She made it nearly impossible for me to make contact with her due to her hostility, and this only exacerbated the problem by shutting down the lines of communication. I hope that in your company training this is addressed and if it is not currently in the orientation curriculum, that you add it.

Thank you very much for your time and if you have any questions or need further information please do not hesitate to call me at XX.

Sheri XX

Letter 2

January 12

Mr. XX
RBC Manager
12610 E. Mirabeau, Suite 500
Spokane, WA 99216

Dear Mr. XX

I am writing you regarding a representative of your company in the Spokane branch of the Collections Department. This will be the third time I have brought this matter to the attention of WFS and the second in writing. So far it seems there has not been an impression made on your employee as to appropriate communication procedures with your clients.

On September 16th of 2005 I wrote a letter of complaint to the Division Manager Mr. XX regarding inappropriate treatment and verbal abuse by a staff in the Spokane office named XX As recent as this past Tuesday the abuse continues. I have filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau regarding her actions. The complaint number is XX. This is a step I was hoping to avoid, but clearly, XX has either not been instructed as to the appropriate way to talk to clients or she has just chosen to ignore instruction.

On January 11th I received a phone call from a representative of WFS. She and I had a discussion regarding my payment that is past due by 45 days. I explained to her that I had recently been through several medical tests to determine rather I had cancer. I was aware I was behind on my payment, but due to several copays, Christmas, and other issues, the 20th of January, my next payday, would be the soonest I could take care of the past due amount. She then told me that they needed the whole amount both past due and current. I told her that I had been down this road before with XX and was not willing to be pushed into taking out a Pay Day loan, I was already paying dearly for the last time. She then remarked Are you saying this is XX's fault you are in trouble with the Pay Day loans? I told her no, that I was responsible for that decision, but I still was not going to do it again. I would pay the past due on the 20th and January's payment by the end of the month when I got my tax return. She stated she had to check with her supervisor on that request and to phone her back at 3:00 that day for confirmation of the arrangement. I let her know I had a home visit to do at that time but would phone her back afterwards, around 3:45.

She agreed to this. When I phoned back at 3:45ish she was unable to take my call at that moment since she was on another. I said I would hold and wait. That is when XX got on the line and immediately began the conversation with So, I hear you blame me for messing you up with the payday loan people. I told her that was not what I said, I repeated to her what I had said, and she still wanted to engage in an escalated conversation regarding the matter.

I told her she was offending me, that that was not what I had said, and I then attempted to steer the conversation to the matter at hand, the request I was calling to following up on. XX then told me that she was in charge of my account and that she made the decision regarding it and that if a payment of over $900.00 was not made by the evening of the 20th, she was putting in a request to have my vehicle repossessed and frankly she did not care how I came up with the money, that was not her problem.

Additionally Mr. XX, I think you should be aware that in the past XX has refused to let me speak to her supervisor, she told me she was the supervisor, and I only found out different when Mr. Brothers assistant Diana informed me it was Ms. XX

There is a pattern of unprofessional behavior that XX is being allowed to exert on me that is both offensive and teetering on the edge of harassment, hence the complaint to the BBB. Mr. XX, I am a firm believer in the process of collections, retaining what is owed to you, as well as looking after the best interests in both personal and professional domains. I am requesting that you investigate the unprofessional behaviors of XX and rectify this situation. As I stated in the previous letter, how does your company expect clients to do anything other then dodge calls and tell representatives like XX anything other then what they want to hear, just so you don't have to endure the abuse.

Thank you very much for your time and if you have any questions or need further information please do not hesitate to call me at


Mr. XX
Ms. XX
Letter dated September 16

spokane, Washington

Company: Wfs
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Spokane
Address: 12610 E. Mirabeau, Suite 500
Phone: 5097891900
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