Jd Byrider
Ripped off Big time in Ohio, with JD Byryders car choice ripoff

Cars & Transport

I purchased my car in Sept. It is a 1999 Chevy Lumina. Since I have bought it I have had to replace, the manifold, starter, alternator, spindle arms, ty rods, heater core, water pump. And now I have to have the ignition fixed because my security light is on. I was told to have it towed in and looked at, but the soonest they could physically look at it was 3 weeks away. SO I would be carless.

I told them when I went in to purchase the car that I am a commuter, I drive 120 miles a day to and from work. I was given no option on a car, and my payment is 302 a month. They call me from 8:00 A. M on the day my payment is due, and call non stop, the most I have ever been late is 24 hours, and then I was threatened repo. The book value on my car is 2900. I paid 11000.00, this gives them an 8100.00 profit off of me.

I am truly upset, that I have had to put over 4000.00 dollars into this car. I have called and complained, and they pretend to care, but they are looking to make a buck off people they know have Zero options. I am one of them. Now I can't even trade it in for 9 more months, I was never told about the 2000.00 trade in policy.

I want to find other people to go in on a class action lawsuit. People can not be treated this way, it is wrong. I am an intelligent person, educated and that good stuff. But I refuse to be treated like a common idiot anymore. SO if anyone reads this please reply to me, naybe we can turn the tables and take them for what they are worth.

Company: Jd Byrider
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Columbus
Address: Morse Road
Phone: 6144781600
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