JD Byrider
CNAC ripoff, and harassment. Unlawful business Practice

Cars & Transport

In May my wife and I bought a used van from JD Byrider, With a considerabel mark-up I might add. We were assured that the van was under a 18 month 18,000 mile warranty, including powertrain, engine, eletrical and safty devices. 2 weeks after purchasing the van my wife and I were in a car accident. We were to make the down payment 2 days after this occured, but were, obviously unable to. We have been off work for almost 2 moths because we cannot work. CNAC, the people who granted the loan for the van, were informed the day of the accident. We were told it is ok get better and then let us know what is going on. 3 days later my wife is home dosed on pain medication and they call her. Threatening her, with basically the wrath of God" if we don't pay them. We had no money, as we used what we had to get pain medications (we have no health insurance) and pay rent and get food for our 4 children. They called her every minute for 10 minutes harrassing her, couple that with the pain she was in and you can guess the state of mind she was in. At every turn they have called and harrassed us.

Threateneing court, garnishment and all other kinds of things. How can I pay them if I can't work. They don't care. I have an attorney for the personal injury part of the accident but he doesn't handle this type of thing. The van is scheduled to be released to me tomorrow, but JD Byrider will be there first to reposses it, leaving me with no way to pay bills or get food for my family, or make doctor's appointment crucial for my wife and I getting well. The harassment has got to stop. I know the Ky Atty Gen has started a lawsuit against them and I would like to be included in it. They are continuing the same practices he has them in court for and they apparently will not change.

Company: JD Byrider
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
City: Louisville
Address: 6801 Preston Highway
Phone: 5029662336
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