Enterprise Rentacar

Cars & Transport

This is a copy of what i sent enterprise online support

Customer - 03/08 12:27 pm
i emailed this complaint a few months ago. This is an update on the situation

The people from your company who i am dealing with are either not in the position to care about my problem or just simply dont care

They want me to pay for renting a car, when your own employee verbally verified in front of me at the time of rental that a third party (executive auto center,
david sherman-owner, 23536 ruether ave santa clarita 91350) agreed to pay for the rental charges. Your company has taken me to collections (tsi) to collect
$400.00 which exec auto agreed to pay. Ozvaldo santos even agreed with me over the phone yesterday that enterprise is pursueing the wrong person in this matter

You have a major flaw in your contract. How is it possible that at the top of the contract one party agrees to pay charges incurred on an account that is
active and in good standing with you and at the bottom i give the 3rd party the right to back out at any time. Executive auto set me up and they used enterprise to do it. Its seems as if you are in bed with executive auto on this matter

You should make a person aware of the fact that the 3rd party can back out. Maybe it should be one of those special boxes on your contract (similar to the insurance waiver box-where you specifically point out a critical part of the contract to the customer because you dont want any ambiguity) that way the customer is clear on the terms of the contract and at that point can decide if
they want to take on such a contract. Had i know that i was signing away my right to force enterprise to go after executive auto instead of me i would have never signed that contract or taken that rental.

I am wondering if some one with some authority at enterprise can help me?

It is not fair that you are pursueing me in this matter
look at the contract. It clearly shows that executive auto agreed to pay for the incurred charges of this rental and your own employee, amanda harrison
verbally confirmed this over the phone in front of me before i signed the contract and took the rental

I am also frustrated with your employees such as ozzy santos all he wants to do is collect money he doesnt seem to understand. I am not responsible for the charges
and i will not pay for them executive auto is responsible and i will get the money out of him and give it to you

I am taking him to court. The case has a hearing date set
i forwarded this "plantiffs claim and order to go to small claims court" to ozzy, yet he still insists on trying to get money out of me

I really hate enterprise right now

And then i got a call back telling me that i had reached the end of the line, the highest rung but i couldn't believe that so i responded back.

You called me and left me a message saying that you, ozzy and some other lady are the only ones who get this message

Can you please give me all of your full names and offical titles

I find it hard to believe that you three are the end off the line. Do you three actually possess the power to fix this problem from my conversations with you raina (and ozzy) i dont believe you have the authority to make such decisions. This is the person i need to speak
with. Some one with real authority and some one who cares about me, not $400 or $300 or $200 or even $1.

You guys are just rungs on the ladder with no authority and no true motivation this is a just a job for you. I can see why you dont care. Your not paid
enough to care. What do you make. Maybe 30 or 40 or maybe even 50 or 60 a year. So why should you care. I am just another issue at work which needs to be resolved

I am a real person. I am not a number. Especially a dollar figure

I am sick and tired of your run arounds and wasting my time i know you three have a boss tell me who it is and how to get a hold of them we can do this the easy way or the hard way

Everyone has a boss, unless you are the owner, and i dont think you are the owner, are u raina?

I m sure you will call me right away

SAN JOSE, California

Company: Enterprise Rentacar
Country: USA
State: California
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