Sandina Roberta
Idenity theft rip-off Roma

Cars & Transport

I recently received several charges on my credit card that were not mine, just a day after receiving my bill, I also received a phone call asking about the bike I had for sale, since I have never owned a motorcycle, this was really strange. The man was really nice, and told me what kind of bike I had and where he found it. He also gave me the e-mail address listed. I later found the bike and e-mail the person, under a different name. This person was advertising this bike using my credit card, and address, phone number. They had also opened an aol account using my credit card and personal information.

After contacting this person, she explained that she was living in the united states, but moved to Italy, and the bike was there with her now. I kept the game up for several days, was able to obtain a name, address and two VIN numbers on the bike. (My step-dad was also communicating) She requested that the money be sent Western Union to the address and name she gave us. She would only accept western Union Money transfer. When I asked her about her listing being in another person's name and why the VIN numbers cam back bad, she gave me a spill and said that I was her wife. I them called aol, and was able to get a password recovery, which I changed.

I then went into the e-mail account, and e-mailed everyone in her address book (She was stupid enough to save every address) I explained the situation to them and gave them an alternate e-mail address to contact. I left that account open two more days so that I could warn any new victims. I have had several contacts that actually sent this person money, and between their information and mine, I we may have enough to catch her on. I have personally contacted the FBI, and was able to get alternate contacts in her country.

I have also went to every website that she placed and ad, and e-mailed a copy of her ads, along with a description. Several of them removed her ad promptly. I have also gained access to several ads, and instead of pulling them, I added to the description that this was a scam, and any srticle with the same description, and then listed all the e-mail addresses that had been listed on her ads. I may have received a refund on all my charges, but others didn't. My goal is now to stop her from taking anybody else's money.

Company: Sandina Roberta
Country: Italy
State: Nationwide
Address: Via Casilina #20
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