McDonalds Restaurant
Empolyee abuse

Career & Work

I had been likely to Mcdonalds at Madison road where i reside at 6:15 am to purchase breakfast and that I observed a supervisor there man-handle a worker shouting at him and creating him carry along the seats in the platforms. She cursed at him in spanish. He's asian. I had been therefore switched off by this i chose to withdraw cash in the atm and proceed elsewhere for my breakfast. I contacted her and requested her many times if she was the supervisor. She said yes. I informed her I had been confirming her for misuse. Not just did she verbally strike me but when I strolled out she arrived after me and threatened to defeat me-up. Cursing at me in spanish. I noticed the appearance of fear within the workers eyes and informed him to not hesitate I had been confirming her. After work i returned and talked to a different supervisor and he explained she abuses that worker making him do additional work. And threatening with shooting if he does not conform. The supervisor also explained he himself was fresh. And was looking for work in another location since she (supervisor) usually curses and shouts in the asian empolyee. I am not the very first client she'd issues with. She's screamed and endangered three different clients. "Mcdonalds is the pleasant location" was a jingle they applied years back. Not for this worker it'snot. Misuse within the workplace is undesirable. This isn't a third-world nation, this really is America! No body ought to be put through this sort of "pain"

Company: McDonalds Restaurant
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New york city
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Criticism on business