
Career & Work

First off, I love your guys new roast burgers they are fantastic, second, the chubuck stores manager brandy isnt very friendly to the customers or her employees. I have been there many times and have seen this each time and am displeased with it. I like to sit in the lobby and observe behavior when i eat there and when i go to grab a seat there was only one clean table open and i was the only person in the lobby. It would please me if you could straiten up your crew at that store thank you and God Bless

Company: Arbys
Country: USA
State: Idaho
City: Pocatello
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Hobby Lobby Stores Inc
Hobby lobby management and employees

Hobby Lobby
Awful experience

Hobby Lobby Stores Inc
No help?

Hobby Lobby Stores Inc
Hobby Lobby

Arbys - the service - arbys service

Hobby Lobby Stores Inc
Hobby Lobby has it all

To whom it may concern

Hobby Lobby Stores Inc
Hobby Lobby Roswell GA - Mgmt is ridiculous

Arbys / Roast Burger
We definitely will not be eating these items again

Hobby Lobby
Too many employees, not enough to serve the customers