Blazing Words
Unauthorized debit

Career & Work

This morning to my surprise, my account was debited 72.21 from a company called blazing word. Who are they and how did they get my info? Well anyway my bank gave me the phone number and i called them. They danced around the issue and did not want to give my money back. So i called again, this time i was told they would give my money back in 48 hours. I also called the fraud dept at my bank to start an investigation against this company. This is a scam and need to be reported to the consumer relations people.

Company: Blazing Words
Country: USA
State: Florida
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Blazing Words
Unauthorized Debit

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Unauthorized charges

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Blazing Words
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Blazing Words
Com Unauthorized deductions, Thiefs, Scam Artists

Blazing Words
Unauthorized deduction