Quest Financial
Not honoring vacation agreement

Career & Work

Hello, I am trying to get some direction on who to contact with my complaint. I am a former employee of Quest Financial, located at 6 Concourse Pkwy NE, Atlanta, GA 30328 770-698-9132 ext 322. I am currently on a assignment with Verizon and when I accepted this assignment I accepted under contact with Quest Financial. Due to circumstances beyond my control, Verizon has decided to terminate their relationship with my contract with Quest I was to be paid 40 hours vacation time upon completion of 2000 billable hours. On Friday February 6th I have fulfilled my obligation to Quest and came off of their payroll on Tuesday 2/10, which Monday 2/9 I had approxamately 2011 billable hours. I requested Quest Financial to pay me the vacation time owed to me on Monday 2/9 and now they are refusing stating that I am not on their payroll, however when I requested my vacation payout I was still on Quest payroll. I stayed on their payroll until 2/10 because I was advised by their payroll person Jamie Saunders that if I was not on payroll on Monday 2/9 I would not be paid for my earned vacation time. I would like to know what actions I can take and where to I begin as Quest is backing out of the contractual agreement. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Kindest Regards, Veronica Mitchell

Company: Quest Financial
Country: USA
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