McDonald's Store # 6085
Rude Management (Patty) - Rude service... Bad product... No Customer Service

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

Store # 6085,2247 E. Bell Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85032, Sat 6/9 14:41 PM, Comments: Rude management! Patty, the manager on duty, refused to change the tv channel for three seperate families sitting at the playground round table which was playing an INSANITY workout infomercial at extremely high volume while the television opposite of us across the room was playing the kids animated movie Tangled with the volume off. All our eating children were wanting to watch the children's movie and asked us to get the channel changed too. After asking the employees politely 3 times we were refused by management! The frontline employees were polite and willing and completely understood, but management was on a RUDE POWERTRIP! I was told the managers name is PATTY! There was no justification not to submit to our request to change the channel or at the very least turn down the volume which she would not do! Even with 3 families with 7 children asking! So I get to go to a McDonald's with a playground and listen to an annoyingly loud Fitness infomercial while staring across the room at a pleasant childrens movie which we aren't allowed to watch! Talk about dangling the carrot in front of children and denying a simple enjoyment to multiple customers who will never return with this Patty lady managing! It was RUDE and absolutely ridiculous not to allow us to enjoy our dining experience with our children! At a McDonald's!? I'm in awe. As a military officer and combat veteran I would not be wasting my time submitting this complaint if it wasn't so flagrantly rude. Please let me know when this is resolved so I may be proud to take my children back to McDonald's again. Thank you. Very Respectfully, Captain, U.S. Army (Retired)

Company: McDonald's Store # 6085
Country: USA
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