Jasmine Smoothie World & Bubble Tea
Jasmine Smoothie World & Bubble Tea, The company Market Director & President: Zhang Wei He doesn't want to pay me money they owe me (more than $30000). And and avoiding all my calls

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

I have to buy a shop to do Bubble Tea. I had signed a contract with Market Director & President Zhang Wei he, but in the course of business, he did not follow the contract, which before we signed.increase goods price with no reason.in the five-year contract, After a year my store got closing down, according to the contract I Should the return rest of the goods to him, and he should return to give me the goods the rest of the money and rest of the entry costs (Initial Franchise Fee) about $30000. According the contract, He should return these money to me within 10 day, But he is not, He does not want to pay my money back and avoiding all my calls,

Do not to buy his stores "Jasmine Smoothie World & Bubble Tea",
He is not follow the contract,
Also He has tax evasion, tax avoidance, tax dodging, tax negligence Problem

Tax evasion, tax avoidance, tax dodging, tax negligence

He has three shops have been closed, The Parks mall (Arlington TX),
Hulen Mall (Arlington TX), woodland mall (Houston TX)

Company: Jasmine Smoothie World & Bubble Tea
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Baltimore
Address: 2903 Whittington Ave, Suit F-G
Phone: 4433866628
Site: jasminetradecorp.com
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Jasmine Smoothie World and Bubble Tea
Tengfei Inc., Jasmine Smoothie World and Bubble Tea The company Market Director & President: Zhang Wei He doesn't want to pay me money they owe me (more than $30000). And and avoiding all my calls

Jasmine Smoothie World and Bubble Tea
Tengfei Inc., Jasmine Smoothie World and Bubble Tea Zhang Wei He doesn't want to pay me money they owe me. And avoiding all my calls

Robert Jones - Main Line Smoothie
Main Line Smoothie - Ardmoore I was ripped off

Haagen Daaz
Smoothie Ripoff Overpriced Smoothie

Timeshares Around the World
Failure to comply with contract

Parks Mall In Arlington
You die, not our fault

Peak Fitness
Dishonets positioning of contract, misrepresenting contract, misinformation about contract, avoiding the issue, playing dumb, avoiding custome

Consumer Report

U.S. Movers

Lady Of America
Unethical contracting practices