Manager Verbally Abuses and Threatens Customers!

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

This past Saturday we went through the drive thru at mcdonalds. Me and 4 friends were in the vehicle we placed 2 orders, and we were all coming from a party and the passengers in the back were all after having a few drinks. My boyfriend and his friend were in the front. So we were carrying on amongst ourselves n whatever and so we get to the window and the girl serving us says "dont take my picture", and she said this cause i had my camera out taking pics of me and my friends, and i didn't take her picture nor did i want it. Then she leaves n the manager on duty whos no older than 18 comes to the window and throws our food at us and says were being 'rude and obnoxious" and not to come back, so then my boyfriend says "excuse me how are we being rude" n hes says "you were taking pictures and carrying on like fools and being rude" etc, and then he slams the window and so my boyfriends friend whos in the passenger seat gets outta the car and stands up n is like "open the window" cause they had left the window and they could not see us as we were lower than the window in the car. So he comes back n says "dont come back" and slams the window again, so we go back thru the drive thru bc at our mcdonalds they only let you place 2 orders at once, and we had 2 more orders to make, so they wouldn't answer us or ask us for our order they just totally ignored us.

Then my boyfriend called them on Monday and wanted to talk to the head manager n they said he would call us back either Tuesday or Wednesday. So he did today and he asked for my boyfriends name and address and his car make and model n all that, and we gave it to him thinking he was going to come and apologize or something.

But then once we gave him the info he starts screaming at my boyfriend, cursing and swearing and threatening him with legal action, saying we were "being little pricks trying to get free food" and that we were threatening the staff, which NONE of this happened what so ever. And (did I mention that this Manager is the Father of the male who slammed the window in our faces several times on Saturday?) So my boyfriend asks if they have audio of this because he wants to hear where we made threats, and the manager says no "he doesn't have audio but he has a tape of us in the drive thru", and my boyfriend says "Than I want you to ask the girl who served us what I said to her that was so rude" and the manager says "No I will not ask her I know what you said" (funny though cause he was not there and does not have an audio tape?) My boyfriend then asks if he can see the video cause he would like to see where we made threats than nd the manager said "NO" and started cursing and swearing at him again. Then my boyfriend hung up cause he was so pissed off and couldn't believe what this manager was saying to him and how he was treating him. But he than realized that he had his information and wasn't sure what he was going to do with it cause obviously he has some sort of temper. So he called back and the manager wasn't there. Shortly later the manager calls back and starts with his yelling and hollering again, told my boyfriend he was going to "give him advice & to choose his friends better", which has NOTHING to do with the situation at all. The funny thing is too that if we were in our 30's or 40's they wouldn't have said a word to us and guaranteed the manager would have called and apologized to us. The manager told my boyfriend that he is responsible for the way the passengers are acting, so if that's the case what happens when a mom pulls through with a bunch of kids in the back screaming and yelling and crying, are they going to say "listen lady shut your kids up?", no they aren't. So what makes them think they can talk to us the way they did. Nothing. There is not a single reason for the way they treated us. Especially the manager. We will be going to MCDONALDS CANADA and writing a letter. We tried calling but they said there is nothing they can do for complaints that we'd have to file it against the store, which in this case I'm sure the manager would just laugh at us and throw our complaint out. I myself work in customer service and I can't think of a single manager who would DARE talk to a customer that way, especially using threats and verbal abuse. Nor can we as employees do this.

Customer is always right, are they not? We also filed a police report on the manager because we felt threatened by him cause as soon as he took our information he started with threats so we weren't sure what he was going to do. Me and my friends are absolutely mind blown by the way we were treated by the staff and management. McDonald's can be sure they won't have us as customers anymore.

Company: McDonalds
Country: USA
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