McDonald's in Milledgeville Ga. Does not honor nationally advertised specials

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

I believe that when a company advertises a promotion or special, especially on national television, it should be honored by all individual stores.
Yesterday, myself and husband stopped into McDonald's restraunt in Milledgeville, Ga. For a cool drink and a snack. I odered our food and then ordered our drinks (two large diet cokes) and expected to receive our drinks at the advertised rate of only $1. Oo for each.
I was, however, charged full price for the drinks. When I asked why the difference for the cost of the drinks, I was informed that this particular store did not participate in the promotional offer. This offer is advertised on televison so it should be honored by all McDonald's restraunts.
Today, (the following day) I called to speak with the manager about this incident and also was told the same thing. I was given the owners name and phone number and told if I wanted to call him I could on Monday but it was up to the individual owner to participate or not in the promotions.
This I feel is a major Rip-Off to the consumers. It is not right that the different owners choose not to comply with a national adtervisment. These advertisments bring the customers into the store on false pretenses. The customer ends up paying full price for something he or she thought would be on sale. At this rate, the store is raking in a lot of extra money from their this particular instance I paid an additional $1.30 (not including the extra tax) for my drinks.By the end of the day, week, month or even the year, the customer has paid this store a lot of extra money.
The cost of food is high enough these days and all the extra Rip-Offs to the customers is not Fair and something should be done about it Now.

Company: McDonald's
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Milledgeville
Address: 2490 N. Columbia Street
Phone: 4784521312
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