Great Atlantic Trading - Caviarstar
Fine Foods Not from this company!

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

I ordered some Caviar for a very special ocassion $80 an oz from this company. The first time they sent it FED-EX they managed to get the street address correct BUT they sent it to the WRONG STATE.

So I called with virtually no time left to get this product. This time I spoke to the owner. She was charming! Because I was annoyed and used a bad word (D*n) she started screaming at me, telling me not to use profanity and then she slammed the phone down on me. Nice work Denise. I had to call back because I had no time to go to another vendor. She was very supercilious with me and rude, she did resend it but this time for a saturday delivery to an apartment complex she LEFT OFF the apartment number, does she think FED-EX goes door to door through 30 apartments to find the owner... No. The whole process was unpleasant unprofessional and demeaning. If that is their idea of customer service they can keep it!

If the time had been available to go to another vendor I would NEVER have called this company back. Thanks Denise for ruining what was to be a special ocassion.
For an exotic, expensive and perishable food I think most peole would expect good service. This company is incapable of providing it.

Company: Great Atlantic Trading - Caviarstar
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Ocean Isle Beach
Address: 563 Seaside Rd
Phone: 9105757979
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