Ripoff, Rude, Arrogant, Inconsiderate, Poor Customer Service

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

Why is it when there is a complaint filed against a specific store via the 800 number for Quiznos, and on the local store level, nobody contacts the complaintant to resolve the issue?

I have recently filed a complaint, 10 days ago, and have yet to hear anything about it being resolved. I feel this is very poor customer relations on Quiznos behalf. I have been a Quiznos customer for 2 1/2 years and have yet to be treated the way I have been by this franchise. Rude customer service as well as an incorrect order and no resolution to a customer complaint shows me that Quiznos doesn't care about their customers.

I went to this store and ordered 2 subs, ultimate italians, to bring home. I was greeted and my order was taken. I proceeded down the line of approximately 3 people to the cash register. I proceeded to pay for my order. Subs were on the way, wrapped and handed to me. I got home only to find out the subs were the wrong ones, Clubs not Italians.

I decided to call the store, (actual dialog)... Ring ring... Quiznos - Hello? Me: huh. Umm... Is this Quiznos? Q= yeah, it's quiznos. Me: oh, ok, is there a manager in? Q= yeah, I'm the Manager and Owner. Me: hmm ok, I have a complaint, *proceeded to tell the story* Q= Yeah, well that happens, bring em back to me n I'll see what I can do. Me: what do you mean you'll see what you can do? I would like my sandwiches that I payed for and reimbursment for returning 20 minutes away for a mistake on your part. Coupon, free drink, something for your mistake. Q= What? I said that happens now if you want the right ones bring yours back!

Me: You gotta be kidding me, you're yelling at me because why? Because I'm complaining? You have gotta be joking, I'll bring the subs back and get my correct subs, but I will go to Subway or Panera Bread in the future. Q= Hey buddy you do what you gotta do, either bring em back or get off my phone! Me: Holy Crap! I'm filing a formal complaint via the 800 #. Q= Yeah whatever! (PHONE CALL ENDS BY QUIZNOS HANGING UP ON ME)

This is the worst customer relations I've ever seen, heard, or been in the middle of.

I have decided that in the future, I will do business with Subway and Panera Bread since they treat their customers with courtesy, respect and PROMPT Customer Service.

Company: Quiznos
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New Hartford
Address: 4666 Commercial Drive
Phone: 3157362525
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Deceptive Advertising, Poor Quality

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Quiznos Subs
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Quiznos Subs

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