Ripoff - pushy salesmen, lousy product

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

Two salesmen in a refrigerated pickup showed up on my doorstep one evening right after I got home from work. They gave the pitch, I said no thanks. They pitched some more. I said no thanks. They dropped their price, pitched more, got the forms out, and I signed. I was tired. I was hungry. I was weak. But I never actually said "yes".

The next day we got some steaks out of the box. My boyfriend cooked them up and served them. Wait a minute... I could tell something wasn't right with the meat. We read the ingredient lable and there it was: every box in the case except for ONE had either wheat or dairy or both in it. I'm allergic to both. I emailed customer service, called the office and left a message, and waited. And waited. Nothing happened for two days. I started to panic.

I found this site, read the other reports on this company, talked to friends, and finally contacted the Oregon Department of Justice. Fortunately I mailed of a written request to cancel the sale within the state mandated 72 hours, but I still couldn't get a refund because I'd opened the case and used some of the meat.

The Dept. Of Justice contacted Homemeatmarket and I think that's why they finally called me back. I told the gentleman my complaint and he said I couldn't get a refund but could exchange for something else. They had a better grade of meat, without all the additives, but it was $20 more... I refused to pay extra and was told "I'll make it work for you." I suggested they put a label on the case that states the meat inside contains allergens so consumers like me wouldn't be stuck with meat they can't eat.

Two weeks later I get an irate call from Bruce telling me I'm hard to get a hold of (I work during the day. He expected me to be home?) and that he'd called twice (my daughter was home and insists it was only once)."It's a 3 hour drive, you know, " he kept telling me. Yes, I know it's a 3 hour drive from your place to mine, but that's not my problem. Finally, I am getting meat I can eat.

The salesman who sold me the meat shows up at my door, and not in a good mood. He hands off the case, has me sign another form to agree to the exchange, and leaves in a huff. I look at the form. He had to cover the $20 extra for my meat. I paid $165 for meat that isn't even as good as what I can get fresh locally, and that was the "big sale" price! What a joke.

These guys are rude, pushy, and have a bad reputation with other honest retailers. I've worked in customer service for years and would be fired for acting the way they do. I know ranchers who roll their eyes and shake their heads when you mention these people. They know the meat is of shoddy quality.

Company: Homemeatmarket
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Wood Village
Address: 24023 NE Shea Lane #202
Phone: 5036692416
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