Ltt Gourmet Foods
Ripoff horrible buisness ethic chatsworth

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

My roomate and i had a presentation yesterday for LTT Gourmet Foods. After the presentation was over we decided that we would try it out for the 6 month period. I was excited so i called my husband to tell him about it and to look the company up to see what we were getting.

Well he looked up the company, and the first thing that popped up was this website with the complaints. So that was the first thing that turned us off of the idea. I then went and looked it up myself on the better buisness bureau, i saw that Ltt Foods had received an F.

Just from those things, we decided that we were going to cancel. After reading the other complaints, i wanted to be extra cautious that we were not going to get screwed. Looking out for our best interests, as anyone would do.

When i got to work, i read over the contract and saw that we only had three buisness days to cancel without any obligations. So to cover my tracks, i sent an email, and faxed the email to their office. Making sure i cancelled before the food was delivered, because if you do it after that you will have to pay for a restocking fee and driver fee. This morning, july 14th, i went down to their office to give them the paperwork with our sinitures to cancel any transactions and to get our original paperwork back.

I got there before the office was open, so while I was waiting i got a personal phone call from Tony Perchemlian (president of company). He was very rude right off the bat. Drilling me as to why i was sending them emails and faxes. I told him exactly why i did it, that seemed to fume him even more.

This was never meant to get ugly on my part, but he was acting very unethical for a president of a company. He then told me that they wouldn't have approved us for thier services because we did not give them a deposit (which the sales guy Matt Digioia didn't seem to have a problem with because our order was to be delivered today, even with no deposit)

I told him in that case i wanted to get my paperwork back with all of our information. He told me it was at their cerritos office, i then told him that per his contract it stated to come to the Chatsworth office for the cancellation and i was outside. He changed his story and said that he would have someone bring out my paperwork. Then he hung up on me. That just proved to me that he could not be trusted.

I went up to their office, and there was someone outside with my paperwork. I took it and called my husband to tell him what happened. He told me just because everything seemed to iffy and they wouldn't accept our paperwork for the cancellation, to go in and get his signiture.

I called the office again to see if I could get his signiture, at first they were telling me that he couldn't take my calls, then i proceded to tell the receptionist that i never meant for it to get ugly but the way he was talking to me was very rude. He then got on the phone and proceeded to argue and would not give me his signiture, due to the fact that i had all the paperwork, and as of that point we had nothing to do with their company. He was honestly acting as a child would.

He had no respect from me at that point at all, so i told him that i now understood why they recieved an F from the BBB. We ended our phone call and i took documentation of everything, because it seemed to tie in all too much to other peoples complaints, and to cover my tracks as well.

I am definately going to keep track of my credit, to make sure nothing comes up months down the line, I am not reporting this company as a fraud or a rip off because i dont have proof, i just want people to know how the president of this company treats people and really read up on everything. This could have gone smoothly if he did not talk to me the way he did. He was a very rude, miserable man and if anyone wants to do buisness with them, just be careful. And if you deal with him, dont be surprised how he treats you.

Company: Ltt Gourmet Foods
Country: USA
State: California
City: Chatsworth
Address: 9606 OWENSWORTH
Phone: 8187180921
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