ICF Financial
What is going on?

Business & Finance

I applied for and was approved for a personal/debt consolidation loan with ICS. I was sent the contract with a request of a 75.00 processing fee. Since my due date was a holiday, I purchased a long distance card (no 800 number available). I tried first to see if they had a web site, and was directed to the rip off reports and was alarmed. I left a couple of messages and the manager, Steven contacted me.

I told him what was on the website and was assured that not everyone is happy with every company and he assured me they were legitimate and that the company that would be doing my loan was Universal Financial. The amount of the loan was approximately 10,000.00. I was told to mail the application with the fee and he would contact me as soon as he received the fee. He even told me what my payments would be per month and that I was approved. That was well over a week ago.

I have left 9 messages and have not received any calls back. I have already contacted all of my creditors to let them know that I would be paying my bill off completely by the end of the month. They recorded my conversations and are expecting payment in full, which I did explain to Steven when I did talk to him.

I am worried now that this is a scam. I am on a fixed income and the 75.00 was difficult for me to afford, but I did it believing that this was the answer to my prayers. I cannot get in touch with them and can find no information on this Universal Financial. I am very afraid that I will be in serious trouble with my creditors. They all agreed not to make me make a payment this month so that I would pay off the amounts by the end of the month.

Somebody please help me. I am on Social Security Disability and cannot afford all of this and the chance to be sued by already past due accounts.

Company: ICF Financial
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Moore
Address: 229 N. Service Rd. Suite 1
Phone: 4056161111
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ICS Financial And Universal Financial
Rip off or not

ACS Manager Steven & Universal Financial
I faxed inital app. To Steven, then sent $70 & more forms to be sent on to Universal Financial to be preapproved for a loan. I then sent a membership fee of $55 to start the approval process., Kentucky

ICS Financial Services
Charged a $75.00 fee for a loan application that was said to be approved for $5,000 unsecured and never got a response Texas

ACS Manager Steven - Universal Financial
AC Amer Credit rips off the miltary

One Main Financial
Constant harassing phone calls

AC (formally sttandard)/Universal Financial
Steven from Prizum aka ameri credit & aka AZ and Jay @ Universal Financial AC and Universal are nothing but a fraud, they both soliciat loans for their benefit and take money from people, they have no morals

American Credit
Steven took my money and I never got the loan that he promised me. Beware

Prizm Credit
Formally Amer Credit personal loan Paid 70.00 17.50 Then Sent 55.00 MO

Emerson Financial Group
Emerson Financial Group-Rip Off Web Site New York New York

Statewide Loans, Equimark, First Capitol Group, Bridgeline Capitol Solutions
Statewide Loans Aka Equimark, First Capitol Group Bridgeline Capitol Solutions Deceptive Web Front For Loan Scams