Bank of America
Bank of America can't get things straight - Mortgage

Business & Finance

My mortgage is with Bank of America and has been since they took over for Countrywide. The last two years has been horrendous. I applied for a HAMP and was told that I didn't qualify so the bank modified my loan under the Freddic Mac Hamp and it was a permanent modication since Nov. Everything was fine for 6 months (my payments have never been late and I always pay online at least two weeks ahead of April I received a package from BOA stating that I had been approved for a HAMP modification and to accept I had to fill out their paperwork. It was $200 more than what I was already paying so of course I didn't want it and couldn't understand why they were even touching my account when everything had been straightened out in Nov. I called them, talk to 3 people and they finally straightened it out. Everything was fine (paying online) for 7 most then again I get a federal express package from BOA and again they want to modify my loan and make the payments $250 more than I am paying now. AGAIN I call and tell them that my loan has been all set since Nov and to please take me off their list or whatever they had my name and loan on that caused this to happen. Again they apologize for the error and say they will take care of it. Last night I try to pay my loan online and I get a message saying the loan can't be paid online. I call the bank and now someone has put some code on my account saying that I didn't accept their modification and my account is in jeopardy and can't be paid online. Again I explain the situation, they look up my account and say you have never missed a payment or had a late payment but we can't take off the code, the modification department has to do that I will transfer you. 15 minutes later they transfer me and someone tells me not that is the wrong dept (after going through the whole story again) and again they transfer me. Again the wrong department and they want to send me to someone else. They transfer me again (now I have talked to 4 different people and have been on the phone 45 minutes) now they give me another person who says he will take care of everything and he talks to his manager and tells me to call back after I try to pay it again, no way am I hanging up so I asked him to stay on the phone while a try it and again I get the same message, account can't be paid online. Finally he gets his manager who says he sees what happened and it very sorry for the confusion but it will take him a day or two to clear it up (now I have been on the phone 90 minutes). He takes my phone number and promises to call me back tonight and have the account cleared. Doubt this is going to happen and if I could I would refinance my loan with another bank right now. BOA really need to get things straight.

Company: Bank of America
Country: USA
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