Kingsway Associates
Attempted ripoff

Business & Finance

I live in Gary, Indiana. I am a 23 year old wife and mother of four. I work at the post office, but im on maternity leave and needed some cash. I filled out an application online in sept. They called me in October. They told me that i had been approved for 8,000.00. They said i needed a cosigner hat made at least 70,000.00 a year, which i dont know anyone who does or wire 1300.00 to to Bernam Thrope Group Ins.Co. I told them to fax me the paperwork and ill get back to them. They have called me everyday to see if i got the papers and talked to my husband about it.

You all are correct, all the papers look legal, but they spelled my name wrong. Something told me before i try to scrape up 1300.00 to check on the net and find out some background info. And I found this website, calling it a scam. I thank you all for saving my family through this. We all have been desparate, and I understand how u feel to give your last. And just think these people have our social security numbers and our banking info, they can do anything. My loan person was Aron Jefferies.

They do not know that I know that they are scam artists and I'm gonna play them. I gonna have her fax me more background info and fax her these reports so they know that people are gettin the word around about them. I'm sorry for your loss of finances, I really am. I would have blown my cool if that would have happened, and my husband would have drove all the way to Oklahoma and found these people. They dont understand that they are preying on our weakness for money.

Company: Kingsway Associates
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Norman
Address: 131 E. Main Street
Phone: 8882254026
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KingsWay Associates
Ripoff I sent them insurance money to secure a loan