Pro Trust Funding
Renay Proenza In the frist part of this so call funding venture with pro trust funding owner Renay Proenza (owner) sent me an e-mail stating that my company was approved for a loan up to 40,000

Business & Finance

During the process of this so-call truck funding I was instructed to look at what ever truck i liked as long as it was not over the stated amount of the funding in this case 40,000, so I proceeded to do so and i looked at 4 different trucks and all where within that amount, everytime I sent the truck specs to Mr. Proenza he would send me an e-mail telling me that none of the trucks that I wanted did not hold bookand oh by the way I had already gave him 2100.000 for the deposit on whatever truck i wanted as long as it was under the funding amount and all where, well after about 3 weeks he tells me he can no longer work with me because i am being to difficult really I have all the phone records and e-mails to the fact that he is the one who was being difficult not returning calls no-emails nothing and when i had a friend call to say he was interested in funding Mr. Proenza got on the phone and asked how he sould help when my friend told him to hold on a second i got in the phone and asked what the heck is going on youo refuse to speak to me no type of contact what so ever you just ignored me well needless to say he hung the phone up om me and has never contacted me since ive have tried but his office people tell me he is in a meeting or is out of the office ive left countless messages and nothing in return is thier anything i can do 2100.00 dollars in my book is alot of money to me and thanks to this scam artise im in alot of financial worries if anyone has any input id like to hear from you thanks

Company: Pro Trust Funding
Country: USA
State: Florida
Phone: 87766499641
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GB Funding - Global Business Funding
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Life Trust Funding Group
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