Le Printemps De Paris

Business & Finance

I want to make big complaint to Premier tax free and Printemps Paris since never happened with me with global blue tax or every shops in the world. I spent my time a lot to travel around Europe & have good experience so far with tax free.
This happened when I was go fly from Rome airport on 13 May I did buy something in Printemps Paris & must get stamp for custom in Rome airport. Since I got my tax money already at the shop, I just got only stamp from custom than sent tax form by mail from there.

I did it already and save all my file as proven I did it already. After 5 months, can you imagine that??? Suddenly I got charge in my credit card from Premier Tax Free Paris, they took out my tax money again via my credit card. Regretfully, I did not save anything file anymore since my experiences it should not be more than 3 months if any charges or dispute. After 5 months they charged me & I didnt have any proven anymore such as trap to get my money tax back... So ridicilous.

Last month, I sent message already to Printempt & Premier tax but no response at all. Nobody reply me or follow up my complained. So sad such a big store like Printemps Paris or big company like Premier Tax didnt hear anything from their customer eventhough they charged me already for their service to refunded my taxes.

I do really hope somebody even from Printemps Paris or Premier tax could explain this to me...

You can check my details as below:
Name: Djohan Kurniawan
Paspor No: T789919

I did shop at Printemps Paris on May 06 & stamp my tax form on May 13 in Fiumicino airport.

Hope nobody feels such thing happened like me which make me unbelieve anymore to Premiere Tax or event Printemps Paris as good company.

Company: Le Printemps De Paris
Country: USA
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