www.desiwebtv. tv/index.php
This company is a fraud

Business & Finance

This online service (desiwebtv) cliams to provide access to Indian TV channels over internet for a monthly fee. However, if you pay (usually through paypal) you will not get any service. Emails to them are never replied. The provider does not even reply to a dispute filed through paypal. This company is a fraud.

Company: www.desiwebtv. tv/index.php
Country: USA
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Ripoff Does Not Provide Any Service, Ignores Emails ripoff, fraudulent, scam essay company, doesn't provide any service, no replies to the emails Internet

Paypal's practices and customer service is bad

PayPal - EBay
PayPal - PayPal.com - EBay - Ebay.com Ripoff! Dispute not Properly Addressed

Chieun Lee
Consumer Report

G-Emarketing.com - Global Emarketing
Ripoff stole my money refused service refund

Betamax GmbH & Co. KG, Voicetrading.com
Betamax GmbH & Co. KG, www.voicetrading.com Accessed my PayPal account and charged $1000.60! Online Internet

The Hiring Coach
The hiring coach: Lora Boffa, Lora Kinach Took the money and ran

Chieun Lee
Consumer Report

MMOEOSALE Scam, fraud, theft

Fraud! Fraud! Internet