Credit Xperts
BLACK & ASSOCIATES LLC Money hungry fradulent company - Beware

Business & Finance

Marisa Black from Credit Xperts Black & Associates LLC stated not only can they fix credit but they can provide income tax services as well. This individual stated she can submit more deductions that the other accountant did not do.

After meeting in person, she collected all of our corporate and personal tax documents (originals) along with submiting her $300.00. Months went by with exuses, "I'm working on them".. Etc. At the end after several emails and phone calls she explained she is going through alot financially and cant return the money. It was story by story and it never got anywhere. Not only did she keep my money, she never returned any of our tax documents.

I urge anyone to use extreme caution when dealing with this individual - especially pertaining to your credit reports. If she can scam me financially; she can scam anyone and destroy your credit worthiness. If you give her your money, you may never see any work nor your money back.

Company: Credit Xperts
Country: USA
Phone: 5612991321
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Hargrave And Associates
Failed to provide stated services to remove most of the negative items off of credit report

Marc Associates International Closings
Residents of florida already financially stressed - victomized by local unscrupulous company who use victoms homes for cash atm machines! The RIP OFF king has returned. Beware people. This person is a cold hearted conman that is only after your money. He had his website taken down because he thought the smoke has cleared. He's back!

Tax Care Professionals
The Tax Xperts (also referred to as Tax Debt Xperts Inc.) They took $3,700 to help with a tax issue and never produced any results

Hargrave & Associates
Broken Promises and Ripped Me Off

Plaza Associates
Collection Agency, Ripoff, Took Money and Ran

Hargrave And Associates Financial Solutions, Inc
$450 dollars and did not get one thing removed from our credit report!

Dan Black, Lead Source Media, LLC
Dan Black. Dan Black took my money and didn't provide me with leads

USAA Insurance
Ripp-Off, Sorry Customer Service, Fraudulent

Kevin Nelson Worldwide Credit and Financial Solutions
Kevyn Jerome He stole the money of mine and 2 others... That I know of!