Bank of America
Holding a low amount of money for 11 days - WHIRLPOOL

Business & Finance

I deposit a check through the ATM on Sat. 8/11 in the amount of $604.00. I went to the ATM on Wed. 8/15 to find out they have a hold on $304.00 in my account that is so crazy like this check was $5,000.00. I called the bank several times to see why they can't even give me a good reason, they are so sorry I would not let my DOG get a bank accouint through them and I'm going to leave this bank, because they are getting crazier as the days go by. They have the nerves to tell me they have to put a hold on the $304.00 until Wed. The 22nd of August thats 11 days now thats what I call crazy.

Company: Bank of America
Country: USA
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Bank Of America
Over Draft Fees while hold on a deposit

Bank of America
Holding deposits - Checking

Bank of America Corporation
Holding of funds

Bank Of America
I had overdraft fee assesed to my acount. I deposited a insurance check an auto accident in the amount $885.00. The bank hold will cause my check to a n air conditioning firn to bounce

Bank of america fraud department
Nora, tom they took my direct deposit held it, only owed bank 105.00 plus 10.00 they have managed to take over 400.00 of my account and still have a hold on my funds each day they keep adding the same 105.00

Bank of America Privacy Source
Consumer Report

BB&T Bank
Ripoff Holding $15,000 for 8 days

Wells Fargo
13 day state government check deposit hold

Bank Of America
Extorting money by holding a valid check hostage. They will not deposit or return the check to me untill I give them money that they already have in their posession

Bank Of America - BofA
Took money from us for no reason!