CIC Credit Monitoring
Placed charges on my credit card of $80 rip-off!

Business & Finance

I found a charge of $79.95 on my mastercard bill. I have no idea how they got it or how they got my account #. I called the 800 number and they would not dicusss it. Ron said to call back in 24 hours because their system was down. I explained that I wanted to get to bottom of this now and he said that was impossible... But to call back in 24 hours and there would be someone to help me. He apologized for the inconvenience.

Company: CIC Credit Monitoring
Country: USA
State: California
City: Orange
Address: PO Box 1909
Phone: 8002202626
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Consumer Report
Avast! Credit Monitoring They are giving me a run around about a refund

CIC Credit Monitoring
Fraud ripoff! CIC Credit monitoring billed my Visa cc for $79.95 for services never wanted or received!

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Beachbody - Team Beachbody - Product Partners
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CIC*Credit Monitoring
Ripoff Charged my credit card 79.95 for a credit service I did not order and made reversing the charge difficult
CEO Brent Callister Our technicians have been performing maintenance to the site since the middle of Nov. As all attempts have failed to present us with a satisfactory solution, we have had no choice but to suspend purchases
Credit monitoring service that is fraudulant and never answers phone

CIC Credit Monitoring
Ripoff, unauthorized billing after cancellation

CIC Credit Monitoring
Unauthorized charge Internet