Stores Online
Ripoff They will not give you help and make you wait & wait on the phone

Business & Finance

Stores Online promises you many things and does not deliver. They are able to get around it by saying all sales are final on the contract when you sign it and they do not have to deliver a thing after you sign the contract.

When you use their chat line they can't answer your questions and you have to call the number that is not toll free and wait and wait running up your phone bill. They do not have enought staff to help the amount of people they sign up. So most go without help to figure it out on their own. They are suppose to have the latest technology. When you go online you can find newer technology than theirs.

Company: Stores Online
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Orem
Address: 754 E. Technology Ave
Phone: 8012270004
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Stores Online
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Stores Online
Ripoff and high handed attitude

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Consumer Report

I just wanted to say that I am

Stores Online
Ripoff gave my name to tekmeds and not they are gone and stores online has not been of any help at all utha

Stephen iser lied about his services and promises to deliver from his first inception