Gaffney Funding
William T. Gaffney, Bill T. Gaffney Charlatan, scammer, thief, liar, leader of anti-promises and broken dreams

Business & Finance

We had the unfortunate bad luck to be introduced to Bill Gaffney when we were trying to obtain funding for our sandwich shop. This man preys on the dreams and desperation of people trying to obtain monies for their businesses.

He was given a full business proposal and information, which had he been a real broker, would have told him either this could be packaged to his lenders or it couldn't. He told us it could be done in 60-90 days, pay him upfront, $4500, he wanted 10K at first, but "gave us a break" and then he referred us to an "investor" Rob Ritch, who stole another $3500 of our money.

This has been a year ago. There have been multiple emails back and forth, where he apologized about Rob Ritch, says he didn't know he wasn't real and basically stealing people's money. He said he was sorry, the deal was undoable, and he would refund our money.

Company: Gaffney Funding
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Exton
Address: 426 Dowlin Forge Road
Phone: 48489796189
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