Gaffney Funding
Bill Gaffney another third person fee for funding scamme

Business & Finance

I also have been ripped off by these guys. The problem is they all have the same excuse-they will tell you how easy your deal is to get financed (no matter what your disclosures) then they will" go fish". These guys have no money themselves, they live paycheck to paycheck and are trying to daisy chain (outsource funding) they will take whatever you give them and then blame it everything but them.

I have dozens of emails over the course of a year from gaffney, his partner chris russo (another errand boy who is completely unprofessional, nasty and uneducated-I have the emails to prove it) and another scammer (rob ritch) whom we were introduced to by gaffney-we lost approx $10,000 in time, hard cash and wasted effort as well as preparing legal. Gaffeny is so clueless he did no due diligence to find out that rob ritch was a fellow scammer.

Bottom line is this. These are third part "fishers"they have zero money and little understanding of true investment banking. They pray on the hopes of people looking for small bridge loans that are near impossible to get in this economy. DO NOT EVER give monies up front to anyone-its not how real deals are done. There will be nothing but runaround and aggravation. Mssr's Gaffney, Russo and Ritch are now in the process of being investigated by a state and federal agency.

Ask yourself this: Is your business and your reputation worth the possibility of damage by being sullied by your association with these guys? Probably not. This is not the case of one disgruntled group. This is a lack of performance, no professionalism and a complete lack of business ethics-why would you risk it?

Company: Gaffney Funding
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: 426 dowlin forge road
Address: 426 dowlin forge road
Phone: 4848857038
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