Founders Federal Credit Union
Fraud at Founders FCU - Mortgages, Loans, Banking

Business & Finance

My husbands identity was stolen by a Founders FCU Employee. She took nearly $500,000 in loans in my husband's name. She also fraudulently mortgaged our home and land into a 5 year balloon mortgage which came due in 2010 (essentially when we knew something major was wrong). A police investigation was started last June and 7 months later, we had to hire a forensic document examiner which proved that the signatures on many of these loans were in fact not my husbands. Long story short, Founders FCU has yet to help us recover any cost, talk to us about a solution, NADA. All we've ran into is red tape. We've had to go over an hour away to hire an attorney because Founders FCU is so "deeply rooted" in Lancaster, SC (their headquarters). With the people here however, Founders has a HORRIBLE reputation. Never the less, my husband is now in bankruptcy and we've even been sued in small claims court for a credit card this woman took in my husbands name. We just don't know when it will all end. The employee has been fired along with another Vice President that had been included in some of the fraudulent loans. Not that this helps us, as we're on the hook for over $1k per month in loans we didn't take until this is settled and our home in in foreclosure. The case has now been referred to SC Dept. Of Law Enforcement for further analysis however, we are still out all of the money we spent in Forensics etc on this case with no offer of help from this company. We even received a letter from their "legal counsel" stating that they would not be communicating with us further. My husbands account was hacked I don't know how many times, and his ex that worked at the bank even looked in his account and saw how much he paid for my engagement ring at one point. My husband had the text message and took it to the girls supervisor and nothing. Bad news banking.

Company: Founders Federal Credit Union
Country: USA
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Founders Federal Credit Union
Founders federal credit union - Founders federal credit union

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