Seckel capital
Loan scam

Business & Finance

DO NOT USE THIS MORTGAGE COMPANY UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCEThis company is a SCAM Do not use this company to buy or refinance a dog house. All they want is your application money. After that your SCREWED. They will lead you on for a month or two and then the phone calls stop. All you will get is a machine to talk to, and don't expect a return call. It will be excuse after excuse as to why their not ready to close, but it's most likely the appraiser's fault.

It always is (just look at the other reviews) The only way I could get in touch with the person who signed me up for this loan was pretend I was a person looking for a new loan! He must have smelled money! Don't believe me just read this. Applied for mortgage refinance with Seckel Capital, was charged $456 fee. Loan never closed. Submitted all Documents required by lender. Lender has only answering machine to leave message and never returns calls. Going on four months for simple refinance. Always a different reason for no closing date.

Went online and found company has history of same treatment of other applicants

Company was sued by Pennsylvania board of banking two years ago for collecting fees and not closing loans. Check out http://www.portal. State. Pa.Us/portal/server. Pt/community/banking_home/14319. Just search Seckel Capital. Filed 2011 June 11 (advanced fees line 9).

Also check out and Google. Just search there name. Make sure you tell everone you know. Companies like this should not be in buisness.

Company: Seckel capital
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Newtown
Address: 642 newtown yardley RD
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