Seckel Capital
John seckel avoid this mortgage broker

Business & Finance

Please, avoid this broker at all costs!!! I started the loan process with John Seckel about six weeks before we were scheduled to close. I was a bit uneasy in giving him money up front but his recommendations looked good and I could not find any negative information on him or his company. I gave him every bit of documentation has asked for (usually within 24 hours if not immediately). Our closing date came and he said he the lender was still waiting on a final report from an appraiser. This situation continued for 12 DAYS. John was extremely unresponsive during this time. He would not take or return my phone calls, he would rarely respond to emails and when he did the information was never helpful and he would not answer my direct and specific questions.
He continued to claim that it this report from the appraiser that the lender was waiting on. I spoke personally to this appraiser multiple times and he assured me that he had submitted everything he needed to the lender. There was clearly something more going on here that I was not privy to. During the entire time, John took no responsibility for these problems and blamed everyone he could for them from the seller to the appraiser to the lender. It was never his fault. Things only came together once I told John that I was beginning to work with another mortgage addition to all the hassles just to close, it also too me six weeks to get my up front deposit back and this only happened because I successfully disputed the charge with American Express.

As for all Johns guarantees, they are nothing but empty promises:

* Always accessible. Hard to claim if they wont speak with you, answer questions, or return emails and phone calls.
* We pride ourselves on Truth&Honesty. Still dont know the whole story as to why it took 12 days to close. If they wont give the customer a straight story, how can they claim to be truthful and honest?
* On time loan closing guarantee. They will blame any delays on someone else so it is never their fault. You will notice they claim this guarantee, but never say what they will do if they do not close you on time.
His rates may be low but it is just not worth the stress and risk of choosing this mortgage broker. If you are lucky and things go smoothly (as it looks like has happened for some of the other people who have rated him) then great, but if there are any bumps, be prepared to deal with horrible customer service and zero communication.

I am sure John will have slick rebuttal for this review but I assure you he and his company are best avoided. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you will consider my experience before choosing this lender.

Company: Seckel Capital
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Newtown
Address: 642 Newtown Yardley Road, Suite 220
Phone: 8885462814
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