Select portfolio servicing
Sps employee

Business & Finance

I work for select portfolio servicing. Many of the people on here are right. SPS is a bad company. They say their focus is to help people but they are really focused on money. They are always finding more and more things to outsource in order to save money and it is at the expense of quality. You should see how many people from India have moved here to work in Salt Lake City and how many things are done in India. Most of SPSs problems are because of being extremely understaffed and instead of hiring enough people to handle the work, they send more and more things to India. Do you ever wonder why things you send to SPS don't get handled right, its because people from India are handling it and they barely understand english. I just wanted to let you all know why they suck so bad, its because they don't have enough people and the ones they do have aren't even from this country. Does anyone think people from another country really care about trying to help people in the USA to stay in their homes? No because money is what is important to them.

Company: Select portfolio servicing
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt lake city
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