Tucker, Albin, And Associates
Joe klonower threats, hostile, unprofessional, disrespectful, dishonest, vile, sleazy, all but blackmailing, conartists

Business & Finance

This is the first time i have ever reported something like this in over 24 years of doing business. This company has misrepresented themselves in phone calls and has not done their job as they said they would. It appears that they make little to no attempt to collect debts on our behalf and continue to harass us for new accounts and try to rudley and agressively control us as though we serve them.

After much harassment from them for new accounts, we tried to have them cancell any new contact with us due to their rudeness, unprofessionalism, and lack of ability to get the job done. When we did this they actually said they were going to sue us for the commissions of accounts they never collected monies from and which we have still never been paid from ourselves.

We tried to reason with them about the two past due accounts of ours they were supposed to collect on for us to no avail. They say we cannot cancell their collection services with them ever and if we do, they will sue us for their unearned commissions and if we recieve any monies ourselves or through other services (which we have'nt), we will have to pay them their commissions anyway or they will sue us.

All appearances are that they sign up clients, as ourselves, and make no to little attempt to collect a debt on our behalf and then just harass the client to frustration and then tell the client that they can cancell their services in writting if they would like.

When you do, they then try to come after you for unearned commissions on uncollected accounts by sueing you for taking thier advice and cancelling their services. If you try to reason with them and even re-establish the accounts with them, they refuse and say they are only willing to take monies from you or they will sue you.

Company: Tucker, Albin, And Associates
Country: USA
State: Texas
Phone: 9728087690
Site: tuckeralbin.com
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Top Notch Auto, Inc
Failure to collect debts for Top Notch Auto, Inc. As promised when our default accounts were turned over to them

Anderson Crenshaw & Associates
Never sent the money to us

A&S Collections
Non Performance

Anderson Crenshaw & Associates
Was contracted to do collections on bad accounts, received payments and did not send us the money. Out of business now

Resurgent Capital Services - LVNV Funding
They are trying to collect on a debt over 17 years old by "providing" a new credit card

Roberto & Associates - National Collection Network
Nationalcollectionnetwork.com, ROBERTO & ASSOCIATES will TAKE your $

Federal Pacific Credit Company
The customer services very unprofessional accused victim that being victimized. They are a ripoff company i'm in process of suit the company. Salt Lake Utah

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Douglas & Ryan
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A&S Collection Associates, Inc
Consumer Report