Djr Group
This company is a rip off to americans

Business & Finance

They had a law firm called barrett smith & associates from GA to get money from me. Thay said i took a loan out for 200.00 in 2008 and i closed my account so thry couldnt get the money. I just recieved a call from the law firm on march 7 saying they were going to sue me for 1248.10 for non payment. Then he stated that i could settle this for 563.00. I found all my statements from that year and there was a deposit made of 150.00 and in feb of 09 i relaized that they were taking money out. They got over 200.00 and my bank reversed the money back and they change my account. Now im stuck to figure out what to do. Please dont ever go to these people, they will rip you off. If anyone has any advise please let me no.

Company: Djr Group
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
Phone: 18667704202
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