Charging your £4.50 a week for services/products that you can download for free

Business & Finance

SCAM SCAM CON - Drive well obvious for kkomobile - SCAM SCAM CON - getting your £4.50 per week for providers/items as you are able to obtain free of charge.

Company: Kko-mobile.com
Country: USA
Site: kko-mobile.com
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SKL Mobile Lotto
Consumer Report

Polltex.com This company sent out SPAM text message to your mobile phone to download their free software to save battery on your mobile phone. After you download the software, they sent you another message

T Mobile
Consumer Report

Flycell And T-Mobile
Total Scam

Scam and fraud

Tata Prepaid Mobile
SMS Not Send

Mobile Plus Inc
Consumer Report

Bune LLC
Consumer Report

Info Text
I am being charged $9.99 per month for services not ordered or used through virgin mobile phone company. Virgin mobile says i have to contact "info text"

Search Engine Sniper Review - Backlinknuke Review It Is A Scam
These websites run by casey costello are both scams